How To Prepare & What To Expect
I normally tell all my clients to give baby a bath before they come, and feed right before you get in the car. Baths are usually so calming and normally help me get the first pose down right away. You should expect to arrive a little before the session if you haven't fed baby in the last 20 minutes or so. Some of the sessions can last up to 3 hours, and sometimes one pose may take 15-20 minutes incase we wait for baby to sleep or feed. Please be prepared to nurse or feed baby between set ups, or when unsettled. I call this a 'top up', it helps baby settle and helps me get the shot. Soothers and pacifiers are highly encouraged to bring. These have been found to be the most effective in soothing and helping baby. Even if you aren't thinking you'll want to use a pacifier, I always encourage you to bring one to your session. The short amount of time we will be using one should not affect any habit-forming behaviors for your baby. My number one goal is to help keep your baby happy and calm during our session.
Please bring baby dressed in just a sleeper, with no inside shirt. If its cold outside bundle baby up in blankets instead of clothes, you can bring warmer things to put them in after the session. Please do not use anything with a waistband or things that will leave marks from being tight, or having to be pulled over the head.
The studio is kept between 26-29 degrees to keep baby warm, comfortable and sleepy. Newborns lose their body temperature quickly, especially unclothed or unwrapped. The warmth will keep them comfortable between undressing or changing wraps and outfits. If you are doing a session that includes family, I always suggest doing the family photos/sibling photos first because of how warm it will be. Doing the images first will insure you look fresh in the photos. And bringing extra clothes to change into afterwards may be a good idea for when your photo has been taken you can rest and feel comfortable.
Sometimes I may need help for setting up the shots, or even may get you to be a spotter. I always suggest having either mom or dad able to help me, or stay close to baby when I ask for assistance. If you've had a c-section and cannot bend, please make sure someone with you is able to help just incase. If no one is able to help, please tell me so I can be sure I have an assistant to help.
The only people allowed in the session is immediate family and siblings (if your doing a session that includes this). All though aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas are loved! The studio is not quite big enough for more than immediate family. When photographing siblings with baby - I always recommend coming with someone who is able to take them away if needed aswell. Sometimes toddlers can get really restless when sitting in the studio for a couple hours. There is a park down the street from me as well as a couple fast food places that someone can take your toddler to, and that can help break up the session once we focus on baby. Small toys and snacks are encouraged to bring aswell to help keep your toddler busy during the session. Snacks are more than okay for you aswell!
If you have any special requests I suggest you tell me at the time of discussing your session. Certain poses you like, colours, ideas - I like to know as soon you've decided in capturing these moments with me what your ideas are. If you like pinks and purples, or blue and neutrals whatever colours best suit you - please let me know! I set up props before you come to the studio so we will not use any time out of your session to think about what colours or props we will use. When you show up I am ready with ideas and sets with your colours so we can get right to business. If you don't have any ideas - no worries! I'm full of them and love coming up with colours myself!
What To Bring
- Pacifiers/Soothers
- Change of clothes
- Extra bottles
- Snacks
- Diapers, wipes, & blankets
Baby isn't here yet so how do I book a newborn session?
Its difficult to know exactly when baby will be here, unless your having a c-section. So, in order to book your spot I just ask for your due date. I write down all the due dates so I leave slots open around the date to insure you get in within the 1-2 week time frame. All I ask is that you let me know as soon as you are home from the hospital so we can figure out a day that works for you.
Can I bring clothes or do you supply them?
Generally I will be photographing you baby wrapped, or nude. Part of the experience in capturing a newborn is seeing their little toes and squishy tiny bums. I do offer a wide selection of newborn sized clothing that you are more than welcome to use. Typically newborn clothing sold in stores are still too baggy to really capture the true tiny size of them. I also have a huge collection of newborn headbands, hats & bonnets.
What age is best to photograph newborns?
Typically the best age is between 7- 20 days old. During this time newborns are still very sleepy and easier to pose. They don't mind you moving them around from pose to pose while they rest at that age. However, this is not to say we can't photograph an older baby, you should just know that once they are beyond this "new" stage, we may not be able to get certain poses.
How will I see my images after the session and what if I want more?
A few days after your session I upload the images to a proofing gallery. This gallery will be lightly edited, with watermarked images. These images are not for download but just to select your finals. In the gallery you receive there will be an option to 'star' your favourite images. Once selected please let me know - thats how ill be able to see what images are your favourites. Then I fully edit your selections and send them back in a new, downloadable gallery. If you like extra images - no worries! Extra digitals are for purchase at $35 an image, or 5 for $115. Please note I do not give out unedited images. All images edited or not cost the same.